Tag: day 12: stripes

30 Day Nail Challenge Day 12: Stripes.

the 30 Day Nail Challenge for today is Stripes, I went for a nautical theme complete with whales and mermaids. I also tried out a DIY peel off base coat that I had seen floating around the blogosphere. What sorcery is this you ask? It simply consists of painting you nails with white glue then applying your polish on top. Guess what? This actually works!!!!! I painted my nails with the glue, let it dry, created my nautical using nail polish and sealed it with a topcoat.


I thought it would be a good idea to document the wear I would get out of this experiment, I have to say that it held up really well. After a day at work I only saw a little bit of tip wear and a few corners had worn down. I wore it again today and it did not show anymore wear than yesterday. This is one trick I will be using again.

I finally indulged my desire to peel my polish today and it peeled off like a charm.

What do you think? Has anyone ever tried this method before?
My next mani for the 30DNC is animal print, I just received a boat load of nail stamping plates from Bundle Monster and Pueen so…